Democrats Rage in Wake of Expulsion of Tennessee House Lawmakers

In the wake of the expulsion of two Tennessee lawmakers who led a riot obstructing a lawmaking session, left-wing activists and politicians have responded with fury.

“After a tragic mass shooting in Tennessee, state Republican lawmakers called votes to expel three Democratic legislators who stood in solidarity with students and families. The expulsion of lawmakers who engaged in peaceful protest is shocking, undemocratic, and unprecedented,” said President Joe Biden.

State Representatives Justin Jones (D-Nashville) and Justin Pearson (D-Memphis) were expelled from the legislature Thursday.

Former President Barack Obama weighed in, too.

“This nation was built on peaceful protest. No elected official should lose their job simply for raising their voice – especially when they’re doing it on behalf of our children,” Obama said.

“What happened in Tennessee is the latest example of a broader erosion of civility and democratic norms,” he said. “Silencing those who disagree with us is a sign of weakness, not strength, and it won’t lead to progress.”

“Following yet another school shooting, Tennessee Republicans have moved on from offering empty thoughts and prayers’ in place of action,” said former presidential candidate Hillary Clinton. “Now they’ve expelled two Democratic legislators who demanded safety for students and educators who just want to learn and teach in peace.”

“We don’t have to put up with these shockingly anti-democratic actions that deny voters’ voices and aim to cut off the progress we need,” she said.

But some conservatives stepped into battle the left-wing narrative.

“The left is trying to jail their most prominent political opponent while calling this a historic act of partisan retaliation,” said commentator Auron MacIntyre. “They’re going to lie about you anyway so you might as well have the stones to fight back like the Tennessee House.”

“Tennessee shows how most everything Biden and his left media allies have said about ‘January 6!’ is big lie,” said Tom Fitton, the president of Judicial Watch. “The Left and their partisans repeatedly embrace and endorse violence and insurrection.”

On March 27, 28-year-old Audrey Elizabeth Hale shot and killed six people, including three children, at The Covenant School in Nashville. Hale identified as transgender and was a former student at the Christian school.

That shooting precipitated the riot that led to the expulsions of Jones and Pearson.

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Pete D’Abrosca is a reporter at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter.
Photo “Joe Biden” by President Joe Biden. Photo “Barack Obama” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Photo “Hillary Clinton” by Gage Skidmore. CC BY-SA 2.0. Background Photo “Tennessee State Capitol” by Ken Lund. CC BY-SA 2.0.


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10 Thoughts to “Democrats Rage in Wake of Expulsion of Tennessee House Lawmakers”

  1. Tim Price

    Democrats don’t control Tennessee or it policies.

    The expulsions were not about race but about three Democrats showing their as**es!

    Gloria Johnson should have been expelled too!

    So Democrats can stick it where the sun don’t shine!

  2. LM

    Time for the GOP to fight back! Do not let them back in. This country has reached a point in its divide that is not going to be mended with talk or voting. Retaliation? Yep. I’m sure it does shock the Dems for the GOP to beat them at their own game. Hopefully, the GOP is finally developing some testicular fortitude.

  3. Randall Davidson

    pitiful that our mayor and council want to put these people back in legislature.

  4. Benjamin Taibi

    What is going on with this only 2 of the 3 were expelled – According to a report in steadfast daily , by Jennifer Gray; Gloria Johnson was not expelled because Jody Barrett who was going to vote to expel switched his vote to let her survive, His pivotal vote actions created a situation which will now be exploited to make this into a racial incident, (because Johnson is white and was not expelled when she should have been) as opposed to what it is expelling people for prohibited conduct. His last minute switch has the optics of him being part of a plan to allow these people back in – Perhaps we need to examine Mr Barretts actions and be prepared to fight this leftist playbook so Tennessee does not become New York. There is a huge target on Tennessee and these people do not relent and will use any and all dishonest means to turn this state progressive

  5. Mark Knofler

    Yet, I don’t recall any of the idiots being very vocal when Marjorie Taylor Green was silenced. Strange

  6. Il Professore

    I agree with all the comments so far. There are those, Hillary, Barack, who constantly look for something to complain about. Harris? She has accomplished absolutely nothing since being sworn into office. Her lip service and word salad comments on border security clearly point out how little she really knows of the problem. Biden? The man has dementia, he only stumbles through written teleprompter instructions without having a clue on what he is speaking about. If main stream media would only pursue and not allow him to run from having to co comment then all would see how impaired Joe really is at this time.

  7. Joe Blow

    Who woke Sleepy Joe up to read a script about Tennessee?

    The VP could make time to agitate and aggravate but she has no time or respect for the 6 victims murdered by a mentally deranged woman. Nor time to do a real trip to the Mexico border or even East Palestine.

    As for Crooked. She is trying to find a way to be relevant. This is not going to do it. She can crawl back in her hole.

  8. Steve Allen

    These fools deserve what they got. And of course the left is screaming racism, racism, racism. Their punishment is not because of the color of their skin, it’s all about their behavior! And then that marxist clown obama brings up “peaceful protest”. Oh really, how about the actual peaceful protesters who are in jail from the J6 government instigated “insurrection” at the capitol.

    And then the worst VP in the history of our Nation shows up, not out of respect for those murdered by the “trans activist”, but to scold the Tennessee government. This woman is one of the most clueless people that ever served in office. The only reason she is in that position is due to massive cheating by the democrats, and she checked (most) all the identity boxes.

    The Tennessee State Government better stand your ground and not cave to the pressure, which is what republicans usually do when confronted by the left. We are right , and they are wrong. It’s time to start pushing back with force!

  9. Traditional thinker

    How appropriate that three of the most evil and devisive spokespeople in our country would take the time to put on their sheep clothing and portray themselves as fighters for life and liberty. Truly a comedic display of puppetry orchastrated from their globalist puppet masters.

  10. Tandy

    Conspired to incite a riot, refused to participate in the legislative process for which they are paid to do by the public. Refuse to adhere to rules. laws and regulations that govern a free and civil society. That defines these people. Don’t Expect. Inspect. Self Governance is hard. If we refuse to participate this is what we end up with.
